Wednesday 11th September – International Freshers Night
– 19:00 to 20:30 | University of Manchester Students’ Union –

Come and meet new friends from around the world. Join us for a chilled evening to play games and have some good chats. We provide the drinks and snacks, you provide the company!
Friday 13th September – International Freshers Night
– 19:00 to 20:30 | University of Manchester Students’ Union –

Join us again for another evening of games, food and company from around the world!
Monday 16th September – Halls Events
– Details differ for each Hall –

A great opportunity to meet other people in your halls, and get to know your hall group leaders! To find out what’s happening in your hall, check out the hall groups section of the site and find your Facebook group, which will have all the details you need.
Wednesday 18th September – Games Night
– 19:00 to 21:30 | Milk and Honey Cafe –

An evening of games in the Milk and Honey Cafe. You’ll be able to get to know other members of the CU, as well as meet other freshers! The cafe is in St Peter’s House on Oxford Road.
Friday 20th September – Pub Quiz
– 19:00 to 21:30 | LEAF –

Get competitive (or not) at our pub quiz! Come with a team, or join one one the night for an entertaining evening of (a lack of) knowledge. LEAF is at 113-115 Portland Street, M1 6DW.
Saturday 21st September – Grub Crawl
– 18:30 to 21:00 | Lidl, Wilmslow Park –

Like a pub crawl, but for food! We’ll be visiting a different house for each course as a group. We’ll meet at Lidl before setting off together for the first course.